



专升本社区是一家为广大升本学子提供全国专升本政策,考试大纲,备考信息,报名考试时间,考试科目,复习资料,升本专业,升本院校等信息的资讯类网站。本网站为了保护网络信息安全,保障用户合法权益的同时为广大学员提供更优质的服务,将严格遵循合法、正当、必要的原则,收集您的个人信息和需求。承诺在本网站中收集到的您个人信息将受到严格的保护,为了使您能得到优质的服务,仅限于向专升本社区网站总部及您所在地区分校教务人员提供您的个人信息(包括姓名、联系电话、就读院校),并承诺将严格保护,不得向任何第三方泄露或披露,并确保不对您造成骚扰。 如您选择线上咨询平台上的升本在线服务,即表示您完全知晓并同意上述专升本社区网站收集、使用信息的目的和方式和范围,请填写您的个人信息;如您不同意,您可选择退出本网页,选择其他方式了解升本在线服务。















感谢您信任并使用专升本社区的服务!我们根据最新的法律法规、监管政策要求,更新了《用户隐私政策》。 本次更新进一步明确了我们如何收集和使用您的信息以及如何存储您的信息。请您仔细阅读并充分理解以下条款,特别提醒您应留意本《用户隐私政策》中加粗形式的条款内容。如果您不同意本《用户隐私政策》,您可能无法正常使用我们的产品、服务。




1. 我们如何收集和使用您的信息

2. 我们如何存储您的信息

3. 我们如何使用Cookie以及同类技术

4. 我们可能向您发送的信息

5. 您如何了解和控制自己的用户信息

6. 我们如何保护您的个人信息

7. 本《用户隐私政策》的适用范围

8. 本《用户隐私政策》如何更新

9. 如何与我们联系


1. 我们如何收集和使用您的信息

1.1 我们将根据合法、正当、必要的原则,按照如下方式收集您在使用服务时主动提供的或因为使用服务而产生的信息,用以向您提供服务、优化我们的服务以及保障您的帐户安全。

1.2 您在注册、登录时提供的个人信息及我们的使用方式:

(1) 如您用其他方式注册、登录专升本社区相关产品时,我们会收集手机号码、密码。如您仅需浏览、搜索等功能,您不需要注册或登录,亦无需提供以上信息。如您不提供手机号码,将无法使用我们的服务。

(2) 如您以第三方帐号(如微信等帐号)登录专升本社区相关产品时,我们会收集您第三方帐号的个人信息(包括头像、昵称及您提供的其他信息),您可以在关联登录页面选择是否授权或新建个人信息。 我们和第三方将以去标识化的方式验证,这个过程中我们收集到的验证信息除前述头像、昵称及您提供其他信息外,无法识别特定个人身份的信息。我们需要您确认通过第三方帐号登录前已经在第三方完成实名认证。如您不同意第三方帐号登录,将无法使用第三方帐号登录验证功能,但不影响您使用我们的其他服务。

(3) 我们收集手机号码、微信等帐号是用于为您提供帐号登录服务以及保障您的帐号安全。

1.3 您在产品或服务中主动提供的信息及我们的使用方式:

(1) 如您在个人资料编辑时提供的昵称、头像、性别、学校、地区、报考城市、考试类型、真实姓名、电子邮件、个人简介。这些资料将帮助我们更好地了解您并为您提供更优质的服务。

(2) 如您使用观看视频、直播、试题纠错、使用反馈、课程分享、学习笔记时,我们会收集您通过前述服务所上传或下载的信息,这类信息包括搜索关键字、发布和回复的评论、文字、标签。

(3) 如您使用客服等用户响应功能时,您可能需要提供您的手机号码、QQ号码或您向我们主动提供的其他联系方式,我们收集这些信息是为了核验您的用户身份信息、调查事实、帮助您解决问题,如您拒绝提供可能导致您无法使用我们的客服等用户响应功能。我们亦会保存您与我们的客服沟通信息和回复内容。

1.4 我们在您使用我们的产品和服务时获取的信息及我们的使用方式:

1.4.1 为保障您正常使用我们的产品和服务,维护我们产品和服务的正常运行,改善及优化您的服务体验并保障您的帐号安全,我们会收集您的下述信息:

(1) 日志信息:当您使用我们的产品和服务时,我们可能会自动收集相关信息并存储为服务日志信息。如登录帐号、IP地址、搜索记录、收听观看记录、网页浏览记录、服务故障信息等。

1.5 我们会根据以上在您使用产品或服务时获取的信息开展数据分析和研究,改进我们的内容布局和推广效果,为商业决策提供产品或服务支持。

1.6 其他用户分享的信息中含有您的信息及我们的使用方式


1.7 请您理解,我们向您提供的功能和服务是不断更新和发展的,如果某一功能或服务未在前述说明中且收集了您的个人信息,我们会通过页面提示、交互流程、网站公告等方式另行向您说明信息收集的内容、范围和目的,以征得您的同意。

1.8 关于个人信息和个人敏感的提示



2. 我们如何存储您的信息

2.1 存储信息的地点


2.2 存储信息的期限


(1) 为遵守相关法律法规的规定;

(2) 为遵守法院判决、裁定或其他法律程序的规定;

(3) 为遵守相关政府机关或法定授权组织的要求;

(4) 为执行相关服务协议或本《隐私政策》、维护社会公共利益,为保护们的客户、我们或我们的关联公司、其他用户或雇员的人身财产安全或其他合法权益所合理必需的用途。

(5) 其他法律法规规定或您另行授权同意的情形。

2.3 存储信息的方式


2.4 当我们的产品或服务发生停止运营的情形时,我们将采取合适的方式(例如推送通知、站内信、公告等形式)通知您,并在合理的期限内删除或匿名化处理您的个人信息。


3. 我们如何使用Cookie以及同类技术

Cookie 和同类技术是互联网中普遍使用的技术。当您使用专升本社区及相关服务时,我们可能会使用相关技术收集您的信息。我们使用 Cookie 和同类技术主要为了实现以下功能或服务:

3.1 保障产品与服务的安全、高效运转:我们可能会设置认证与保障安全性的 Cookie 或匿名标识符,使我们确认您是否安全登录服务,或者是否遇到盗用、欺诈及其他不法行为。这些技术还会帮助我们改进服务效率,提升登录和响应速度。

3.2 帮助您获得更轻松的访问体验:使用此类技术可以帮助您省去重复您填写个人信息、输入搜索内容的步骤和流程(例如:表单填写)。



4. 我们可能向您发送的信息

4.1 信息推送

您在使用我们的产品和服务时,我们可能向您发送提醒、声音和图标标记,以及电子邮件、短信等其他方式的推送通知。 您可以在设备的设置等相关页面选择取消。

4.2 与产品和服务有关的公告

我们可能在必要时向您发出与产品和服务有关的公告。 您可能无法取消这些与产品和服务有关、性质不属于广告的公告。


5. 您如何了解和控制自己的用户信息

5.1 我们将尽一切可能采取适当的技术手段,保证您可以了解、更新和更正自己的注册信息或使用我们的服务时提供的其他用户信息。在了解、更新、更正和删除前述信息时,我们可能会要求您进行身份验证,以保障帐户安全。一般情况下,您可随时修改自己提交的信息,但出于安全性和身份识别的考虑,您可能无法修改注册时提供的某些初始注册信息、验证信息及认证信息。

5.2 如您不希望您的部分信息被我们获取,您可以通过关闭设备权限的方式停止我们获得您的个人信息。您开启下述权限即代表您授权我们可以收集和使用该权限相应的个人信息来为您提供对应服务,您关闭前述权限即代表您取消了授权,我们将不再基于对应权限继续收集和使用相关个人信息,也无法为您提供该权限所对应的服务,但不影响您使用我们的其他服务。但是,您关闭权限的决定不会影响我们此前基于您的授权所进行的信息收集及使用,但您可以通过第5.3条内容删除有关记录:

5.3 在您使用专升本社区期间,为了让您更便捷地控制您的个人信息,我们在产品和服务设计中为您提供了相应的操作设置,您可参考下面的指引进行操作。

5.3.1 访问个人信息:



6. 我们如何保护您的个人信息

6.1 为保障您的个人信息安全,我们在合理的安全水平内使用各种安全保护措施来保障您的信息,防止数据遭到未经授权访问、公开披露、使用、修改、损坏或丢失。例如,我们使用加密技术(如SSL)、匿名化处理等手段来保护您的个人信息。

6.2 我们建立专门的管理制度、审批流程和组织确保信息安全。例如,我们严格限制访问信息的人员范围,要求他们遵守保密义务,并进行审查。

6.3 我们鼓励我们的工作人员学习信息安全知识、提高个人信息安全保护意识,并定期或不定期对我们的工作人员进行信息安全培训。

6.4 若不幸发生个人信息泄露等安全事件,按照法律法规要求,我们会启动应急预案,阻止安全事件扩大,并及时告知您:安全事件的基本情况和可能的影响、我们已采取或将要采取的处置措施、您可自主防范和降低风险的建议、对您的补救措施等。我们将及时将事件相关情况以邮件、信函、电话、推送通知等方式告知您,难以逐一告知用户时,我们会采取合理、有效的方式发布公告。同时,我们还将按照监管部门要求,主动上报个人信息安全事件的处置情况。

6.5 互联网环境并非百分之百安全,当出现下列非因我们过错而对您的信息造成泄露及由此造成的损害结果,我们无需承担任何责任:

(1) 任何由于黑客攻击、计算机病毒侵入或发作、因政府管制而造成的暂时性关闭等影响网络正常经营之不可抗力而造成的个人资料泄露、丢失、被盗用或被篡改等。

(2) 在使用专升本社区的过程中链接到其它网站或因接受来自第三方的服务所造成之个人资料泄露及由此而导致的任何法律争议和后果。



7. 本《用户隐私政策》的适用范围

7.1 我们的所有产品和服务均适用本《用户隐私政策》。但某些产品或服务可能会有其特定的隐私政策适用条款,该特定隐私政策适用条款更具体地说明我们在该产品或服务中如何处理您的个人信息。除非有特殊说明,若本《用户隐私政策》与该特定产品或服务的隐私政策适用条款有不一致之处,请以该特定隐私政策适用条款为准。

7.2 请您注意,本《用户隐私政策》不适用由其他公司或个人提供的产品或服务。如果您使用第三方的产品或服务,须受该第三方的隐私政策而非本《用户隐私政策》)约束,您需要仔细阅读其政策内容。

7.3 本《用户隐私政策》为《用户服务协议》及相关协议的重要组成部分,本《用户隐私政策》内的名词定义参照《用户用户服务协议》,适用于专升本社区相关服务。


8. 本《用户隐私政策》如何更新

8.1 随着我们的服务范围扩大,我们可能适时更新本《用户隐私政策》的条款,更新内容构成本《用户隐私政策》的一部分。如更新后的《用户隐私政策》导致您的权利发生实质改变,我们将在更新前通过显著位置提示或以其他方式通知您,为避免您不能及时获知更新,请您经常阅读本《用户隐私政策》。

8.2 无论何种方式,若您继续使用我们的服务,即表示同意受更新后的《用户隐私政策》约束。

8.3 更新后的《用户隐私政策》将以更新日期为生效日期,并取代之前的《用户隐私政策》。


9. 如何与我们联系


专升本社区 > 专升本考试 > 【英语写作】写作必备的136 个英语作文常用连接词,背会了下笔如有神!
【英语写作】写作必备的136 个英语作文常用连接词,背会了下笔如有神!
发布时间:2018-02-01 11:15
写作必备的136 个英语作文常用连接词,背会了下笔如有神! 一、表示因果关系 1. as a result 结果 He never studied hard, and as a result he failed in the last e

写作必备的136 个英语作文常用连接词,背会了下笔如有神!
1. as a result 结果
He never studied hard, and as a result he failed in the last examination.
2. as a result of 由于
He is late for work as a result of a traffic accident.
3. accordingly 于是
He wanted to buy a radio for study English, and accordingly her mother bought it for him.
4. because(of) 因为
We are delayed because of a traffic jam.
5. due to 由于
His success is due to his excellent work.
6. owing to 由于
Owing to his absence, our meeting is not held.
7. thanks to 幸亏
Thanks to a good teacher, she passed the examination.
8. now that 既然
Now that you have grown up, you must earn for yourself.
9. so long as 只要
You could realize your dream so long as you try it again and again.
10. since 既然
Since you are here now, you’d better give a hand.
11. in that 因为
The policy is harmful in that it may encourage people to give up.
12. so that 所以
The officer speaks at the top of his voice, so that every soldier heard him.
13. therefore 因此
There is a calculating mistakes there, therefore, the answer is wrong.
14. consequently 因此
It rained so heavily, consequently, we cancelled the plan of climbing the mountain.
15. hence 因此
It is 12 p.m. now, hence you must take a sleep.
16. on account of 因为,由于
We delayed our departure on account of the bad weather.
1. as a matter of fact 事实上
I will go there this morning, as a matter of fact, I am only 10 minutes, drive from you.
2. as well 也
I will go there. My friend will go with me as well.
3. frankly speaking / to be frank / to be honest / honestly speaking 实话说
Frankly speaking, I am not very satisfactory with your words.
4. in this case 既然这样
In this case, I will go there as soon as possible.
1. or else 否则
Hurry up, or else you’ll be late.
2. otherwise 否则
You must carry this passport, otherwise you will be stopped by the guard.
3. if so 如果这样的话
If so, it will make a great difference.
4. so that implies 那表明
He is in panic now, so that implies he is lying.
5. to put it more precisely 更精确地说
He is rather strong, to put it more precisely, he is a little sturdy.
6. under no circumstances 在任何情况下都不,绝不
Under no circumstances will I go there.
1. in addition 此外
I need your help. In addition, I also need her support.
2. besides 此外
First, we must work hard. Besides, we must work with a creative mind.
3. and moreover 此外
The hat is the right size for you, and moreover, it goes well with your skin.
4. that is to say 就是说
The stock price is declining, that is to say, I am losing money.
5. in other words 换句话说
I am not hungry, in other words, I really dislike the food in this canteen.
6. equally important 同样重要的是
You should read more news from newspapers, and equally important, keep an eye on the news from the
7. what’s more 此外
It is harmful to my health, and what’s more, it is no good to my work.
8. last but not least 最后
Last but not least, my thanks should go to every member of my class.
9. furthermore 而且,此外
She is kind, and furthermore, she’s beautiful.
1. equally 同样地
As a teacher, I should teach well, but equally, I should study well.
2. in the same way 同样地
It is such a coincidence that we figure it out in the same way.
3. in contrast to 和……相反
In contrast to your belief, I quite disagree with you.
4. instead 代替,顶替
If you don’t go, I’ll go instead.
5. on the contrary 相反
You thought I like it. On the contrary, I dislike it.
6. in contrast 对比之下
It is hot in the daytime, but in contrast it’s very cold at night.
7. while 而
We are happy in China, while most Africans live unhappily.
8. in comparison with 和…相比
In comparison with the red one, I would like to choose the blue cap.
1. alternatively 作为选择,二者选一地
You may take the exam. Alternatively you take another one next year.
2. either…or 或者…或者…
Either you or I will go there.
3. rather than 而不是
In this matter, the parents should be blamed rather than the children.
4. instead of 而不是
You should be reading books instead of lying there in bed.
6. not …but 不是…而是
She is not an English teacher, but a German student.
7. whether…or not 是否
I wonder whether you will come or not this afternoon.
8. neither…nor 既不…也不
Neither you nor I will go there. He will come this afternoon.
1. although 尽管
Although he is old, he still works every day.
2. despite 尽管,不管
I will visit him despite the heavy snow.
3. at the same time 同时,但是
The little kid brings troubles, but at the same time you can’t help liking him.
4. even though 即使
Even though she is late, she walks slowly.
5. however 可是
I planned to go there; however, the incident suddenly interrupts my normal work.
6. in spite of 不管
In spite of the boy’s honesty, the teacher is still very angry.
7. instead 改为
It is too hot to go shopping, let’s watch TV at home instead.
8. nevertheless 尽管这样
Nevertheless, I would try to make a remedy.
9. regardless 不管,不顾
Regardless of age, sex, race and economic level, all men are equal.
10 notwithstanding 虽然,尽管
I have determined, notwithstanding your disapproval.
11. on the contrary 正相反
I used to think that the result will be good. On the contrary, it turns out to be bad.
12. still 尽管如此
It’s raining cats and dogs outside. Still, I will visit him.
13. though 虽然,尽管
I will visit him, though it is raining there.
14. otherwise 否则
We must hurry, otherwise we cannot catch the bus.
15. while 虽然,但是
Sadness is beautiful while loneliness is tragic.
16. yet 然而,但是
He is sentimental sometimes, yet I still like him.
1. all in all 总而言之
All in all, we must cope with it well
2. briefly 简而言之
Briefly, I agree with you on the matter.
4. in conclusion 最后,总之
In conclusion, the first opinion is much more reasonable than the latter idea.
5. in summary 简要地说
In summary, we cannot fully believe what we heard from others.
6. to sum up 总而言之
To sum up, teaching student is not an easy task to perform.
7. on the whole 总体来说,整个来看
On the whole, the book is extremely valuable.
8. in all 总而言之
In all, it’s great to be a father.
9. in short 简而言之
In short, actions speak louder than words.
10. in brief 简言之
In brief, to help others is to help yourself.
11. in a word 总之
In a word, we will win while they will lose.
12. in terms 明确地,毫不含糊地
In practical terms, I believe it will work.
13. in sum 总之,简而言之
In sum, it is great to be a teacher.
14. to summarize 简而言之
To summarize, spare the rod, spoil the children,
15.to conclude 总而言之
To conclude, it is true that we should pay more attention to this problem.
1. above all 最重要,首先
Above all, remember to call me when you arrive.
2. afterwards 然后,后来
We played the whole day and afterwards walked home together in the evening.
3. eventually 最后,终于
Eventually, he rose to the position of vice president.
4. firstly/first of all 首先,第一
Firstly/ first of all, I’ll mention the history.
5. secondly 第二
Secondly, I will mention the present.
6. furthermore 此外,而且
Furthermore, it is not good enough in this respect.
7. finally 最后
Finally, I agree with you on this matter.
8. last but not least 最后
Last but not least, my personal effort also plays a small role in the accomplishment of the task.
9. to conclude 总而言之
To conclude, life is not a battle if you want to be a normal man.
10. lastly 最后
Lastly, I must say it will be remembered by people around the world.
11. in the end 最后
In the end, they parted each other at the cross road.
1. above all 最重要,首先
Above all, the good policy makes us dare to be rich.
2. of course 当然
Of course you will fall behind if you don’t study harder.
3. indeed 确实
I am indeed very glad to see you are well and sound.
4. most important 最重要
Most important, it is a book for sale first.
5. with great emphasis on 特别强调
He delivered a speech with great emphasis on the solar energy.
1. as regards 关于,至于
As regards your school report, I don’t quite agree.
2. as to/as for 关于,至于
She’s very uncertain as to where he is now.
3. by the way 顺便提一下
By the way, there is a letter for you in the president’s office.
4. with reference to 关于
With reference to further information, please let me know.
5. with regard to 关于
With regard to your score in last examination, I am afraid it is not a good news for you.
6. regarding 关于
It is a book regarding the War at Hastings.
7. concerning 关于
Nobody has the information concerning his whereabouts.
8. talking of 谈到
Talking of philosophy, I know little about it.
9. incidentally 顺便提到
Incidentally, your proposal has drawn most people’s attention.
10. to resume 再继续
To resume our discussion, how do you think of Lincoln?
11. to get back to the point 话说回来
To get back to the point, have you ever visited Mr Johnson?
1. as follows 如下
The reasons are as follows.
2. a case in point 举个恰当的例子
A case in point, Qingdao is such a beautiful city.
3. for example 例如
For example, Chairman Mao is such a great hero.
4. for instance 例如
There are many advantages, for instance, it can make your book perfect.
5. including 包括
There are many children there, including a two-year-old baby.
6. to illustrate 为了阐明问题
To illustrate, I can give you many examples.
1. that is 即,就是,换句话说
There are two persons there, that is, Tom and Jack.
2. in other word 换句话说
In other words, we must finish it before he comes.
3. that is to say 即,就是,换句话说
Let’s go back to the original plan, that is to say, you must go there.
1. after a while 不久,过了一会儿
After a while, he came back with smile on his face.
2. afterwards 然后,后来
Tom came in for a cup of tea, and then he went out soon afterwards.
3. at last 终于
At last, we succeed.
4. as long as 只要,在…的时候
You may borrow this book as long as you return it.
5. at length 最后
At length he told us the truth.
6. at that time 在那时
At that time, all people were poor.
7. eventually 最后,终于
We waited for her on and on, and eventually she came.
8. finally 最后,终于
After a heated discussion, finally he gave up.
9. in the past 在过去
In the past he was very naughty.
10. meanwhile 与此同时
Tom was listening to the radio, and meanwhile Adam was reading.
11. presently 现在,此刻
He is presently the president of the U.S.
12. so far 迄今为止
So far he’s been to China more than 3 times.
13. thereafter 其后,从那时以后
Thereafter, they lived a happy life.
14. until 直到…才
I did not feel hungry until midnight.
15. until now 到现在为止,迄今
He has not come until now.
16. as long as 只要…就…
You may borrow this book as long as you return it.
17. if 如果
If it rains, the sports meeting will be put off.
18. on condition that 如果
I can lend my bike to you on condition that you return it to me in time.

上一篇: 应用心理学
下一篇: 小学教育
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